In Kenya, where swarms blotted out the sky for miles in recent months, locusts have retreated to just three semi-arid counties in the country's far north.
Lochom Ekiru, a 65-year-old farmer from Turkana, assesses the severe damage of his maize crops after locusts ravaged them in Kalemngorok, Turkana County, Kenya. All Photos by AFP
A Turkana farmer try to shoo away locust damaging her maize crops in Kalemngorok, Turkana County, Kenya. An increasing number of second-generation immature swarms of desert locust continue to form in northwest Kenya.
Turkana farmer Joseph Tirkwel asses the damage to his crops
A farmer points at a cluster of locusts.
A farmer holds up a crop with locust devouring maize.
Members of Kenya's NYS -National Youth Service prepare tp spray pesticides to kill the swarms of locusts.
Members of Kenya's NYS -National Youth Service prepare tp spray pesticides to kill the swarms of locusts.
A man sprays around a wooded area.
A man pesticides in a farm in Nakukulas, Turkana County, Kenya.
Spurred by favourable weather conditions, the migratory pests have descended on East Africa in record numbers since late 2019.
Another wave is about to take to the skies despite the concerted use of pesticides.
The World Bank in May approved a $500 million (Dh 1.8 billion) programme to help countries vulnerable to hunger in East Africa fight the pests eating their way across the region.
In Kenya, where swarms blotted out the sky for miles in recent months, locusts have retreated to just three semi-arid counties in the country's far north.
Lochom Ekiru, a 65-year-old farmer from Turkana, assesses the severe damage of his maize crops after locusts ravaged them in Kalemngorok, Turkana County, Kenya. All Photos by AFP
A Turkana farmer try to shoo away locust damaging her maize crops in Kalemngorok, Turkana County, Kenya. An increasing number of second-generation immature swarms of desert locust continue to form in northwest Kenya.
Turkana farmer Joseph Tirkwel asses the damage to his crops
A farmer points at a cluster of locusts.
A farmer holds up a crop with locust devouring maize.
Members of Kenya's NYS -National Youth Service prepare tp spray pesticides to kill the swarms of locusts.
Members of Kenya's NYS -National Youth Service prepare tp spray pesticides to kill the swarms of locusts.
A man sprays around a wooded area.
A man pesticides in a farm in Nakukulas, Turkana County, Kenya.
Spurred by favourable weather conditions, the migratory pests have descended on East Africa in record numbers since late 2019.
Another wave is about to take to the skies despite the concerted use of pesticides.
The World Bank in May approved a $500 million (Dh 1.8 billion) programme to help countries vulnerable to hunger in East Africa fight the pests eating their way across the region.
In Kenya, where swarms blotted out the sky for miles in recent months, locusts have retreated to just three semi-arid counties in the country's far north.